Commit 07e0330e by Pablo Cantero

Add a test case for protocol-relative URL

parent a424b82d
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Paperclip
# put your bucket name in this file, instead of adding it to the code directly.
# This is useful when you want the same account but a different bucket for
# development versus production.
# When using a Proc it provides a single parameter which is the attachment itself. A
# When using a Proc it provides a single parameter which is the attachment itself. A
# method #instance is available on the attachment which will take you back to your
# code. eg.
# class User
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module Paperclip
# :s3_permissions => :private
# * +s3_protocol+: The protocol for the URLs generated to your S3 assets. Can be either
# 'http', 'https', or an empty string to generate scheme-less URLs. Defaults to 'http'
# 'http', 'https', or an empty string to generate protocol-relative URLs. Defaults to 'http'
# when your :s3_permissions are :public_read (the default), and 'https' when your
# :s3_permissions are anything else.
# * +s3_headers+: A hash of headers or a Proc. You may specify a hash such as
......@@ -152,6 +152,22 @@ describe Paperclip::Storage::S3 do
context "s3_protocol: ''" do
before do
rebuild_model storage: :s3,
s3_credentials: {},
s3_protocol: '',
bucket: "bucket",
path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension"
@dummy =
@dummy.avatar = stringy_file
it "returns a protocol-relative URL" do
assert_match %r{^//[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url
context "s3_protocol: :https" do
before do
rebuild_model storage: :s3,
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