Commit 13318e61 by jyurek

Initial version

git-svn-id: 7bbfaf0e-4d1d-0410-9690-a8bb5f8ef2aa
Paperclip is a lightweight attachment manager for ActiveRecord. It saves and manages your attachments be they images or Word Doc with one line of code. You can automatically thumbnail images as they're uploaded, and you don't have to worry about installing any ruby-specific libraries. You don't have to worry about compiling headaches with RMagick, concurrency issues and race conditions with MiniMagick, or unsupported image types with ImageScience. All you need is a working Image- or GraphicsMagick installation.
Paperclip uses the filesystem to save your files. You specify a root that the files will be saved to, and, if you're attaching images, any other formats they need to be converted to, and they'll all be saved to the right place when your object saves. They can even validate beforehand, so you'll know if your user tries to upload an HTML doc as an image.
In your model:
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image, :thumbnails => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }
In your view:
<% form_for :photo, @photo, :url => photo_path do |form| %>
<%= form.file_field :image %>
<% end %>
In your controller:
def create
@photo = Photo.create( params[:photo] )
require 'rake'
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rake/rdoctask'
desc 'Default: run unit tests.'
task :default => :test
desc 'Test the paperclip plugin.' do |t|
t.libs << 'lib'
t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
t.verbose = true
desc 'Generate documentation for the paperclip plugin.' do |rdoc|
rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
rdoc.title = 'Paperclip'
rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source'
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "paperclip")
ActiveRecord::Base.extend( Thoughtbot::Paperclip::ClassMethods )
\ No newline at end of file
# Install hook code here
module Thoughtbot
module Paperclip
:path_prefix => ":rails_root/public/",
:url_prefix => "/",
:path => ":class/:style/:id",
:attachment_type => :image,
:thumbnails => {}
module ClassMethods
def has_attached_file *file_attribute_names
options = file_attribute_names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? file_attribute_names.pop : {}
options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options)
include InstanceMethods
attachments ||= {}
file_attribute_names.each do |attr|
attachments[attr] = (attachments[attr] || {:name => attr}).merge(options)
define_method "#{attr}=" do |uploaded_file|
:dirty => true,
:files => {:original => uploaded_file},
:content_type => uploaded_file.content_type,
:filename => sanitize_filename(uploaded_file.original_filename)
write_attribute(:"#{attr}_file_name", attachments[attr][:filename])
write_attribute(:"#{attr}_content_type", attachments[attr][:content_type])
if attachments[attr][:attachment_type] == :image
attachments[attr][:thumbnails].each do |style, geometry|
attachments[attr][:files][style] = make_thumbnail(attachments[attr][:files][:original], geometry)
define_method "#{attr}_attachment" do
define_method "#{attr}_filename" do |*args|
style = args.shift || :original # This prevents arity warnings
path_for attachments[attr], style
define_method "#{attr}_url" do |*args|
style = args.shift || :original # This prevents arity warnings
url_for attachments[attr], style
define_method "#{attr}_valid?" do
attachments[attr][:thumbnails].all? do |style, geometry|
attachments[attr][:dirty] ?
!attachments[attr][:files][style].blank? :
File.file?( path_for(attachments[attr], style))
define_method "#{attr}_after_save" do
if attachments[attr].keys.any?
write_attachment attachments[attr]
attachments[attr][:dirty] = false
attachments[attr][:files] = nil
private :"#{attr}_after_save"
after_save :"#{attr}_after_save"
define_method "#{attr}_before_destroy" do
if attachments[attr].keys.any?
delete_attachment attachments[attr]
private :"#{attr}_before_destroy"
before_destroy :"#{attr}_before_destroy"
module InstanceMethods
def path_for attachment, style
prefix = File.join(attachment[:path_prefix], attachment[:path])
prefix.gsub!(/:rails_root/, RAILS_ROOT)
prefix.gsub!(/:id/, if
prefix.gsub!(/:class/, self.class.to_s.underscore)
prefix.gsub!(/:style/, style.to_s)
File.join( prefix.split("/"), read_attribute("#{attachment[:name]}_file_name") )
def url_for attachment, style
prefix = File.join(attachment[:url_prefix], attachment[:path])
prefix.gsub!(/:rails_root/, RAILS_ROOT)
prefix.gsub!(/:id/, if
prefix.gsub!(/:class/, self.class.to_s.underscore)
prefix.gsub!(/:style/, style.to_s)
File.join( prefix.split("/"), read_attribute("#{attachment[:name]}_file_name") )
def ensure_directories_for attachment
attachment[:files].keys.each do |style|
dirname = File.dirname(path_for(attachment, style))
FileUtils.mkdir_p dirname
def write_attachment attachment
ensure_directories_for attachment
attachment[:files].each do |style, atch| path_for(attachment, style), "w" ) do |file|
def delete_attachment attachment
(attachment[:thumbnails].keys + [:original]).each do |style|
FileUtils.rm path_for(attachment, style)
def make_thumbnail orig_io, geometry
thumb = IO.popen("convert - -scale '#{geometry}' - > /dev/stdout", "w+") do |io|
raise "Convert returned with result code #{$?.exitstatus}." unless $?.success?
def sanitize_filename filename
protected :sanitize_filename
module Upfile
def content_type
type = self.path.match(/\.(\w+)$/)[1]
case type
when "jpg", "png", "gif" then "image/#{type}"
when "txt", "csv", "xml", "html", "htm" then "text/#{type}"
else "application/#{type}"
def original_filename
File.send :include, Thoughtbot::Paperclip::Upfile
# desc "Explaining what the task does"
# task :paperclip do
# # Task goes here
# end
\ No newline at end of file
adapter: sqlite3
dbfile: paperclip.db
#database: ":memory:"
\ No newline at end of file
# Logfile created on Sat Aug 04 20:42:44 -0400 2007 by logger.rb/
SQL (0.004173) CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.002037) CREATE TABLE bars ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "document_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "document_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000588) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000491) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000494) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000351) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000581) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000470) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000505) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000364) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000587) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000574) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000485) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000359) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000597) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000605) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000443) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000496) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000646) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000463) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000473) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000459) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.062484) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000505) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000499) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000485) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000594) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000481) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000506) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000477) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000602) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000608) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000495) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000477) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000588) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000483) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000403) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000394) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000618) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000560) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000397) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000629) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000589) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000476) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000511) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000523) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000669) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000473) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000487) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000415) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000582) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000470) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000469) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000465) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000627) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000539) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000489) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000457) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000611) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000500) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000490) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000515) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000608) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000549) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000554) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000523) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000678) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000479) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000570) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000462) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000577) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000489) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000544) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000438) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000619) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000511) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000508) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000469) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.002361) CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.002155) CREATE TABLE bars ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "document_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "document_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000407) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000420) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000517) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000501) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000737) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000458) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000489) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000689) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000813) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000473) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000498) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000435) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000590) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000474) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000558) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000408) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000605) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000470) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000509) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000568) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000615) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000484) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000446) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000436) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000593) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000470) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000553) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000427) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000598) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000476) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000498) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000381) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000596) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000520) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000550) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000454) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000602) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000473) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000607) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000410) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000624) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000512) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000501) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.001001) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000645) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000492) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000604) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000516) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000736) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000514) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000613) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000456) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000610) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000471) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000563) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000414)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 19

SQL (0.000397) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000565) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000633) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000514)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 19

SQL (0.000553) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000527) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000546) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000413)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 21

SQL (0.000414) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000445) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000673) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000450)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 21

SQL (0.000495) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000521) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000573) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000444)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 23

SQL (0.000404) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000486) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000614) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000418)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 23

SQL (0.000557) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000508) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000526) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000408)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 25

SQL (0.000373) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000411) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000601) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000447)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 25

SQL (0.000534) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000484) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000977) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000510)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 27

SQL (0.000392) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.001124) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000614) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000433)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 27

SQL (0.000609) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000505) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000554) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000640)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 29

SQL (0.000635) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000510) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000669) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000551)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 29

SQL (0.000490) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000503) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000534) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000436)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 31

SQL (0.000460) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000495) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000000) SQLite3::SQLException: table foos already exists: CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000601) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000463)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 31

SQL (0.000474) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000480) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000617) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000485)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 33

SQL (0.000474) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000450) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.246580) CREATE TABLE foos ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "image_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "image_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.002094) CREATE TABLE bars ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "document_file_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, "document_content_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL) 
SQL (0.000496) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
Foo Destroy (0.000487)  DELETE FROM foos
WHERE id = 1

SQL (0.000480) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000534) INSERT INTO foos ("image_content_type", "image_file_name") VALUES('image/jpg', 'test_image.jpg')
SQL (0.000625) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
Bar Destroy (0.000498)  DELETE FROM bars
WHERE id = 1

SQL (0.000451) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
SQL (0.000495) INSERT INTO bars ("document_file_name", "document_content_type") VALUES('test_document.doc', 'application/doc')
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :foos do |table|
table.column :image_file_name, :string
table.column :image_content_type, :string
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :bars do |table|
table.column :document_file_name, :string
table.column :document_content_type, :string
rescue Exception
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image, :attachment_type => :image,
:thumbnails => { :thumb => "100x100>", :medium => "300x300>" },
:path_prefix => "."
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :document, :attachment_type => :document,
:path_prefix => "."
\ No newline at end of file
require 'test/unit'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/test_helper.rb"
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../init.rb"
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "models.rb")
class PaperclipImagesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
assert @foo =
assert @file =, 'fixtures', 'test_image.jpg'))
assert @foo.image = @file
def test_should_validate_before_save
assert @foo.image_valid?
assert @foo.valid?
def test_should_save_the_file_and_its_thumbnails
assert File.exists?( @foo.image_filename(:original) )
assert File.exists?( @foo.image_filename(:medium) )
assert File.exists?( @foo.image_filename(:thumb) )
assert File.size?( @foo.image_filename(:original) )
assert File.size?( @foo.image_filename(:medium) )
assert File.size?( @foo.image_filename(:thumb) )
`identify '#{@foo.image_filename(:original)}'`; assert $?.exitstatus == 0
`identify '#{@foo.image_filename(:medium)}'`; assert $?.exitstatus == 0
`identify '#{@foo.image_filename(:thumb)}'`; assert $?.exitstatus == 0
def test_should_validate_to_make_sure_the_thumbnails_exist
assert @foo.image_valid?
assert @foo.valid?
def test_should_delete_all_thumbnails_on_destroy
assert @foo.destroy
assert !File.exists?( @foo.image_filename(:original) )
assert !File.exists?( @foo.image_filename(:medium) )
assert !File.exists?( @foo.image_filename(:thumb) )
\ No newline at end of file
require 'test/unit'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/test_helper.rb"
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../init.rb"
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "models.rb")
class PaperclipTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
assert @bar =
assert @file =, 'fixtures', 'test_document.doc'))
assert @bar.document = @file
def test_should_validate_before_save
assert @bar.document_valid?
assert @bar.valid?
def test_should_save_the_created_file_to_the_final_asset_directory
assert File.exists?( @bar.document_filename )
def test_should_validate
assert @bar.document_valid?
assert @bar.valid?
def test_should_delete_files_on_destroy
assert File.exists?( @bar.document_filename )
assert @bar.destroy
assert !File.exists?( @bar.document_filename )
\ No newline at end of file
require 'rubygems'
require 'test/unit'
require 'active_record'
require 'active_record/fixtures'
require 'fileutils'
require 'pp'
config = YAML::load( + '/database.yml'))
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = + "/debug.log")
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'test'])
Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/"
RAILS_ROOT = "test" unless Object.const_defined? "RAILS_ROOT"
class Test::Unit::TestCase #:nodoc:
def create_fixtures(*table_names)
if block_given?
Fixtures.create_fixtures(Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path, table_names) { yield }
Fixtures.create_fixtures(Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path, table_names)
def self.load_all_fixtures
all_fixtures = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/*.yml").collect do |f|
puts "Loading fixture '#{f}'"
File.basename(f).gsub(/\.yml$/, "").to_sym
Fixtures.create_fixtures(Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path, all_fixtures)
# Turn off transactional fixtures if you're working with MyISAM tables in MySQL
self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
# Instantiated fixtures are slow, but give you @david where you otherwise would need people(:david)
self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
# Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here...
\ No newline at end of file
# Uninstall hook code here
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