Commit 3831498f by Prem Sichanugrist

Update NEWS file for upcoming changes

parent 5eed1dcb
New in 3.0.1 Unreleased:
* Bug fix: AttachmentContentTypeValidator now allow you to specify :allow_blank/:allow_nil
* Bug fix: Make sure content type always a String.
* Bug fix: Fix attachment.reprocess! when using storage providers fog and s3.
* Bug fix: Fix a problem with incorrect content_type detected with 'file' command for an empty file on Mac.
New in 3.0.2:
* API CHANGE: Generated migration class name is now plural (AddAttachmentToUsers instead of AddAttachmentToUser)
* API CHANGE: Remove Rails plugin initialization code.
* API CHANGE: Explicitly require Ruby 1.9.2 in the Gemfile.
* Bug fix: Fixes AWS::S3::Errors::RequestTimeout on Model#save.
* Bug fix: Fix a problem when there's no logger specified.
* Bug fix: Fix a problem when attaching Rack::Test::UploadedFile instance.
New in 3.0.1:
* Feature: Introduce Paperlip IO adapter. * Feature: Introduce Paperlip IO adapter.
* Bug fix: Regression in AttachmentContentTypeValidator has been fixed. * Bug fix: Regression in AttachmentContentTypeValidator has been fixed.
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