Commit 4a093224 by abhchand Committed by GitHub

RSpec custom matcher should use `match`, not `matches`

The official [RSpec documentation]( outlines that the main block when defining custom matchers should be called `match`. 

The documentation currently uses `matches` when giving an example of the custom `:have_attached_file` matcher, which leads to the error 

      undefined method `matches' for #<Class:#<RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher:0x00007fc898c846d8>>

Updating to `match`
parent 17050e41
......@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ Here's one that is similar in spirit to the Paperclip-supplied matcher:
RSpec::Matchers.define :have_attached_file do |name|
matches do |record|
match do |record|
file = record.send(name)
file.respond_to?(:variant) && file.respond_to?(:attach)
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