Commit 4e6fac4c by Dmitry Polushkin Committed by Prem Sichanugrist

Added possibility to the rake task to refresh only selected styles of the thumbnail.

Closes #466
parent be74cebe
......@@ -20,14 +20,15 @@ namespace :paperclip do
task :refresh => ["paperclip:refresh:metadata", "paperclip:refresh:thumbnails"]
namespace :refresh do
desc "Regenerates thumbnails for a given CLASS (and optional ATTACHMENT)."
desc "Regenerates thumbnails for a given CLASS (and optional ATTACHMENT and STYLES splitted by comma)."
task :thumbnails => :environment do
errors = []
klass = obtain_class
names = obtain_attachments(klass)
styles = (ENV['STYLES'] || ENV['styles'] || '').split(',').map(&:to_sym)
names.each do |name|
Paperclip.each_instance_with_attachment(klass, name) do |instance|
result = instance.send(name).reprocess!
errors << [, instance.errors] unless instance.errors.blank?
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