Commit 553df792 by Larry Sprock

Update helper require paths for Ruby 1.9.2 compatibility

parent b255f338
# encoding: utf-8
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class Dummy
# This is a dummy class
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class CommandLineTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class GeometryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "Paperclip::Geometry" do
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ $LOAD_PATH << File.join(ROOT, 'lib', 'paperclip')
require File.join(ROOT, 'lib', 'paperclip.rb')
require 'shoulda_macros/paperclip'
require './shoulda_macros/paperclip'
FIXTURES_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures")
config = YAML::load( + '/database.yml'))
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class IntegrationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "Many models at once" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class InterpolationsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
should "return all methods but the infrastructure when sent #all" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class IOStreamTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include IOStream
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class HaveAttachedFileMatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "have_attached_file" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class ValidateAttachmentContentTypeMatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "validate_attachment_content_type" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class ValidateAttachmentPresenceMatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "validate_attachment_presence" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class ValidateAttachmentSizeMatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "validate_attachment_size" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class PaperclipTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "Calling" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class ProcessorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
should "instantiate and call #make when sent #make to the class" do
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
require 'aws/s3'
class StorageTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# encoding: utf-8
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class StyleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class ThumbnailTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
require 'test/helper'
require './test/helper'
class UpfileTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
{ %w(jpg jpe jpeg) => 'image/jpeg',
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