Commit 5a138fd9 by Prem Sichanugrist

Update NEWS file

parent 3a7a93d5
New in 3.1.0:
* Feature: Paperclip now support new migration syntax (sexy migration) that reads better:
class AddAttachmentToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :users do |t|
t.attachment :avatar
Also, schema-definition level syntax has been added:
add_attachment :users, :avatar
remove_attachment :users, :avatar
* Feature: Migration now support Rails 3.2+ `change` method.
* API CHANGE: Old `t.has_attached_file` and `drop_attached_file` are now deprecated. You're advised
to update your migration file before the next MAJOR version.
* Bug fix: Tempfile now rewinded before generating fingerprint
* API CHANGE: Tempfiles are now unlinked after `after_flush_writes`
If you need to interact with the generated tempfiles, please define an `after_flush_writes` method
in your model. You'll be able to access files via `@queue_for_write` instance variable.
* Bug fix: `:s3_protocol` can now be defined as either String or Symbol
* Bug fix: Tempfiles are now rewinded before get passed into `after_flush_writes`
* Feature: Added expiring_url method to Fog Storage
* API CHANGE: Paperclip now tested against AWS::SDK 1.5.2 onward
* Bug fix: Improved the output of the content_type validator so the actual failure is displayed
* Feature: Animated formats now identified using ImageMagick.
* Feature: AttachmentAdapter now support fetching attachment with specific style.
* Feature: Paperclip default options can now be configured in Rails.configuration.
* Feature: add Geometry#resize_to to calculate dimensions of new source.
* Bug fix: Fixed a bug whereby a file type with multiple mime types but no official type would cause
the best_content_type to throw an error on trying nil.content_type.
* Bug fix: Fix problem when the gem cannot be installed on the system that has Asepsis installed.
New in 3.0.4:
* Feature: Adds support for S3 scheme-less URL generation.
New in 3.0.3:
* Bug fix: ThumbnailProcessor now correctly detects and preserve animated GIF.
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