Commit 7832694f by Jon Yurek

Fixed the rake task.

parent d177c8f8
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ end
def obtain_attachments
name = ENV['ATTACHMENT'] || ENV['attachment']
raise "Class #{} has no attachments specified" unless @klass.respond_to?(:attachment_names)
if !name.blank? && @klass.attachment_names.include?(name)
raise "Class #{} has no attachments specified" unless @klass.respond_to?(:attachment_definitions)
if !name.blank? && @klass.attachment_definitions.keys.include?(name)
[ name ]
......@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ namespace :paperclip do
task :refresh => :environment do
klass = obtain_class
names = obtain_attachments
instances = klass.find(:all)
puts "Regenerating thumbnails for #{instances.length} instances of #{}:"
klass.find(:all).each do |instance|
instances.each do |instance|
names.each do |name|
result = if instance.send("#{ name }?")
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