Commit 8ad02b4b by Francesco Donadon

Update Capistrano Task example for working in 3.x version

parent 41da3a3c
......@@ -695,12 +695,14 @@ Here is an example for Capistrano:
namespace :deploy do
desc "build missing paperclip styles"
task :build_missing_paperclip_styles, :roles => :app do
run "cd #{release_path}; RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles"
task :build_missing_paperclip_styles do
on roles(:app) do
execute "cd #{current_path}; RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles"
after("deploy:update_code", "deploy:build_missing_paperclip_styles")
after("deploy:compile_assets", "deploy:build_missing_paperclip_styles")
Now you don't have to remember to refresh thumbnails in production every time you add a new style.
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