Commit aff3396e by Jon Yurek

Removed extra filename parsing in metadata cleaner. If it hadn't been done yet,…

Removed extra filename parsing in metadata cleaner. If it hadn't been done yet, your files won't be renamed anyway.
parent 84f1fcbf
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace :paperclip do
task :metadata => :environment do
for_all_attachments do |instance, name|
if file = instance.send(name).to_file
instance.send("#{name}_file_name=", instance.send("#{name}_file_name").strip.gsub(/[^\w\d\.\-]+/, '_'))
instance.send("#{name}_file_name=", instance.send("#{name}_file_name").strip
instance.send("#{name}_content_type=", file.content_type.strip)
instance.send("#{name}_file_size=", file.size) if instance.respond_to?("#{name}_file_size")
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