Commit b35c9b8c by darrenli

Fix language and typo in comments.

parent 5f52d894
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module Paperclip
# +styles+ - a hash of options for processing the attachment. See +has_attached_file+ for the details
# +only_process+ - style args to be run through the post-processor. This defaults to the empty list
# +default_url+ - a URL for the missing image
# +default_style+ - the style to use when don't specify an argument to e.g. #url, #path
# +default_style+ - the style to use when an argument is not specified e.g. #url, #path
# +storage+ - the storage mechanism. Defaults to :filesystem
# +use_timestamp+ - whether to append an anti-caching timestamp to image URLs. Defaults to true
# +whiny+, +whiny_thumbnails+ - whether to raise when thumbnailing fails
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module Paperclip
# +convert_options+ - flags passed to the +convert+ command for processing
# +source_file_options+ - flags passed to the +convert+ command that controls how the file is read
# +processors+ - classes that transform the attachment. Defaults to [:thumbnail]
# +preserve_files+ - whether to keep files on the filesystem when deleting to clearing the attachment. Defaults to false
# +preserve_files+ - whether to keep files on the filesystem when deleting or clearing the attachment. Defaults to false
# +interpolator+ - the object used to interpolate filenames and URLs. Defaults to Paperclip::Interpolations
# +url_generator+ - the object used to generate URLs, using the interpolator. Defaults to Paperclip::UrlGenerator
def initialize(name, instance, options = {})
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ module Paperclip
# Returns the fingerprint of the file, if one's defined. The fingerprint is
# stored in the <attachment>_fingerpring attribute of the model.
# stored in the <attachment>_fingerprint attribute of the model.
def fingerprint
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