Commit c77ba25e by jyurek

Fixed up some documentation

git-svn-id: 7bbfaf0e-4d1d-0410-9690-a8bb5f8ef2aa
parent fc59d3dc
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# +has_attached_file+ method:
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_attached_file :avatar, :thumbnails => { :thumb => "100x100" }
# has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :thumb => "100x100" }
# end
# user =
......@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ module Paperclip
# * +url+: The full URL of where the attachment is publically accessible. This can just as easily
# point to a directory served directly through Apache as it can to an action that can control
# permissions. You can specify the full domain and path, but usually just an absolute path is
# sufficient. The default value is "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename". See
# sufficient. The leading slash must be included manually for absolute paths. The default value
# is "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename". See
# Paperclip::Attachment#interpolate for more information on variable interpolaton.
# :url => "/:attachment/:id/:style_:name"
# :url => ""
......@@ -79,27 +80,30 @@ module Paperclip
# is interpolated just as the url is. The default value is "/:class/:attachment/missing_:style.png"
# has_attached_file :avatar, :missing_url => "/images/default_:style_avatar.png"
# # => "/images/default_small_avatar.png"
# * +content_type+: The valid content types that this attachment may be.
# * +thumbnails+: A hash of thumbnail styles and their geometries. You can find more about geometry strings
# * +styles+: A hash of thumbnail styles and their geometries. You can find more about geometry strings
# at the ImageMagick website ( Paperclip
# also adds the "#" option (e.g. "50x50#"), which will resize the image to fit maximally inside
# the dimensions and then crop the rest off (weighted at the center). The default value is
# to generate no thumbnails.
# * +delete_on_destroy+: When records are deleted, the attachment that goes with it is also deleted. Set
# this to +false+ to prevent the file from being deleted. Defaults to +true+.
# * +default_style+: The thumbnail style that will be used by default URLs. Defaults to +original+.
# has_attached_file :avatar, :thumbnails => { :normal => "100x100#" },
# has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :normal => "100x100#" },
# :default_style => :normal
# user.avatar.url # => "/avatars/23/normal_me.png"
# * +path+: The location of the repository of attachments on disk. This can be coordinated
# with the value of the +url+ option to allow files to be saved into a place where Apache
# can serve them without hitting your app. Defaults to ":rails_root/public/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename".
# can serve them without hitting your app. Defaults to
# ":rails_root/public/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename".
# By default this places the files in the app's public directory which can be served directly.
# If you are using capistrano for deployment, a good idea would be to make a symlink to the
# capistrano-created system directory from inside your app's public directory.
# See Paperclip::Attachment#interpolate for more information on variable interpolaton.
# :path_prefix => ":rails_root/public"
# :path_prefix => "/var/app/repository"
# :path => "/var/app/attachments/:class/:id/:style/:filename"
# * +whiny_thumbnails+: Will raise an error if Paperclip cannot process thumbnails of an
# uploaded image. This will ovrride the global setting for this attachment. Defaults to true.
# * +delete_on_destroy+: When records are deleted, the attachment that goes with it is also deleted. Set
# this to +false+ to prevent the file from being deleted. Defaults to +true+.
# * +storage+: Specifies the storage method, either :filesystem or :s3. S3 storage is currently
# experimental and should not be used. Defaults to :filesystem.
def has_attached_file *attachment_names
options = attachment_names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attachment_names.pop : {}
......@@ -107,7 +111,6 @@ module Paperclip
after_save :save_attached_files
before_destroy :destroy_attached_files
#class_inheritable_hash :attachment_definitions
@attachment_definitions ||= {}
@attachment_names ||= []
@attachment_names += attachment_names
......@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ module Paperclip
# arguments to gsub!, so the used will be replaced with the return value
# of the proc. You can add to this list by assigning to the hash:
# Paperclip::Attachment.interpolations[:content_type] = lambda{|style, attachment| attachment.content_type }
# attchment.interpolate("none", ":content_type")
# ...
# attachment.interpolate("original", ":content_type")
# # => "image/jpeg"
def self.interpolations
@interpolations ||= {
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ module Paperclip
:path => ":rails_root/public/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename",
:url => "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename",
:missing_url => "/:class/:attachment/:style_missing.png",
:content_type => :image,
:styles => {},
:delete_on_destroy => true,
:default_style => :original
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