Commit ea1fc3c8 by Jon Yurek


parent b589d5a1
New in 4.2.1:
* Improvement: Added `validate_media_type` options to allow/bypass spoof check
* Improvement: Added incremental backoff when AWS gives us a SlowDown error.
* Improvement: Stream downloads when usign aws-sdk.
* Improvement: Documentation fixes, includes Windows instructions.
* Improvement: Added pt-BR, zh-HK, zh-CN, zh-TW, and ja-JP locales.
* Improvement: Better escaping for characters in URLs
* Improvement: Honor `fog_credentials[:scheme]`
* Improvement: Also look for custom processors in lib/paperclip
* Improvement: id partitioning for string IDs works liks integer id
* Improvement: Can pass options to DB adapters in migrations
* Improvement: Update expiring_url creation for later versions of fog
* Improvement: `path` can be a Proc in S3 attachments
* Test Fix: Improves speed and reliability of the specs
* Bug Fix: #original_filename= does not error when passed `nil`
New in 4.2.0:
* Improvement: Converted test suite from test/unit to RSpec
module Paperclip
VERSION = "4.2.0" unless defined? Paperclip::VERSION
VERSION = "4.2.1" unless defined? Paperclip::VERSION
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