Commit ed0bc8de by Jon Yurek

Remove older versions from travis

parent c123e0ab
- 1.9.2
- 1.9.3
- jruby-19mode
- rbx-19mode
- rbx
- 2.0.0
- 2.1.0
......@@ -13,8 +12,6 @@ before_script: "sudo ntpdate -ub; true"
script: "bundle exec rake clean test cucumber"
- gemfiles/3.0.gemfile
- gemfiles/3.1.gemfile
- gemfiles/3.2.gemfile
- gemfiles/4.0.gemfile
- gemfiles/4.1.gemfile
......@@ -24,9 +21,3 @@ matrix:
- rvm: jruby-19mode
- rvm: rbx-19mode
- rvm: 1.9.2
gemfile: gemfiles/4.0.gemfile
- rvm: 1.9.2
gemfile: gemfiles/4.1.gemfile
# This file was generated by Appraisal
source ""
gem "jruby-openssl", :platform=>:jruby
gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter", :platform=>:jruby
gem "pry", :platform=>:ruby
gem "rails", "~> 3.0.20"
gem "paperclip", :path=>"../"
gemspec :path=>"../"
\ No newline at end of file
# This file was generated by Appraisal
source ""
gem "jruby-openssl", :platform=>:jruby
gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter", :platform=>:jruby
gem "pry", :platform=>:ruby
gem "rails", "~> 3.1.12"
gem "paperclip", :path=>"../"
gemspec :path=>"../"
\ No newline at end of file
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