Commit f0283612 by jyurek

Stupid typo.

git-svn-id: 7bbfaf0e-4d1d-0410-9690-a8bb5f8ef2aa
parent e56f4f8b
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module Thoughtbot #:nodoc:
# It is defined as everything except the final period and what follows it. If there is no extension, :base works
# the same as :name.
# * +ext+: The extension of the file, e.g. "jpg" from "myself.jpg". It is defined as everything following the final
# period.
# period
# When interpolating, you are not confined to making any one of these into its own directory. This is
# perfectly valid:
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ module Thoughtbot #:nodoc:
if file_name
file_bits = file_name.split(".")
s.gsub!(/:name/, file_name)
s.gsub!(/:base/, [file_bits[0], *file_bits[1..-2]].join(".")
s.gsub!(/:base/, [file_bits[0], *file_bits[1..-2]].join("."))
s.gsub!(/:ext/, file_bits.last )
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