Commit 19ad6c6e by Ryan Bigg

Update README with more usage examples

parent a95a67f0
......@@ -66,7 +66,22 @@ class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
Hey presto, it's there!
Hey presto, it's there! Calling `destroy` will now set the `deleted_at` column:
>> client.deleted_at => nil
>> client.destroy => client
>> client.deleted_at => [current timestamp]
If you really want it gone, call `destroy` twice:
>> client.deleted_at => nil
>> client.destroy => client
>> client.destroy => client
If you want a method to be called on destroy, simply provide a _before\_destroy_ callback:
......@@ -102,6 +117,50 @@ def product
If you want to find all records, even those which are deleted:
If you want to find only the deleted records:
If you want to check if a record is soft-deleted:
If you want to restore a record:
If you want to restore a whole bunch of records:
Client.restore([id1, id2, ..., idN])
If you want to restore a record and their dependently destroyed associated records:
Client.restore(id, :restore => true)
If you want callbacks to trigger before a restore:
before_restore :callback_name_goes_here
For more information, please look at the tests.
## Acts As Paranoid Migration
You can replace the older acts_as_paranoid methods as follows:
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