Commit 763e8aee by Ryan Bigg

Remove freezing as it breaks Devise (see #41)

If you care about having objects frozen after calling destroy/delete, then please call freeze on that object manually.
parent 2f09ea2c
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module Paranoia
def delete
update_attribute_or_column(:deleted_at, if !deleted? && persisted?
def restore!
......@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class ParanoiaTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal true, model.deleted_at.nil?
assert model.frozen?
assert_equal 0, model.class.count
assert_equal 0, model.class.unscoped.count
......@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ class ParanoiaTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal false, model.deleted_at.nil?
assert model.frozen?
assert_equal 0, model.class.count
assert_equal 1, model.class.unscoped.count
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