Commit 7ee29060 by Mark Wunsch

Basic encoding/decoding

parent 72501815
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require "rumoji/version"
module Rumoji
extend self
def encode(str)
remapped_codepoints = str.codepoints.flat_map do |codepoint|
emoji = EMOJI_NAME_TO_CODEPOINT.key(codepoint.to_s(16).upcase)
emoji ? ":#{emoji}:".codepoints.entries : codepoint
def decode(str)
duplicate = str.dup
EMOJI_NAME_TO_CODEPOINT.each_pair do |key, value|
duplicate.gsub! ":#{key}:", [value.to_i(16)].pack("U")
smile: "1F604",
laughing: "1F606",
blush: "1F60A",
smiley: "1F603",
relaxed: "263A",
smirk: "1F60F",
heart_eyes: "1F60D",
kissing_heart: "1F618",
kissing_closed_eyes: "1F61A",
flushed: "1F633",
relieved: "1F625",
satisfied: "1F60C",
grin: "1F601",
wink: "1F609",
wink2: "1F61C",
stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: "1F61C",
stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: "1F61D",
grinning: "1F600",
kissing: "1F617",
kissing_smiling_eyes: "1F619",
stuck_out_tongue: "1F61B",
sleeping: "1F634",
worried: "1F61F",
frowning: "1F626",
anguished: "1F627",
open_mouth: "1F62E",
grimacing: "1F62C",
confused: "1F615",
hushed: "1F62F",
expressionless: "1F611",
unamused: "1F612",
sweat_smile: "1F605",
sweat: "1F613",
weary: "1F629",
pensive: "1F614",
dissapointed: "1F61E",
confounded: "1F616",
fearful: "1F628",
cold_sweat: "1F630",
persevere: "1F623",
cry: "1F622",
sob: "1F62D",
joy: "1F602",
astonished: "1F632",
scream: "1F631",
tired_face: "1F62B",
angry: "1F620",
rage: "1F621",
triumph: "1F624",
sleepy: "1F62A",
yum: "1F60B",
mask: "1F637",
sunglasses: "1F60E",
dizzy_face: "1F635",
imp: "1F47F",
smiling_imp: "1F608",
neutral_face: "1F610",
no_mouth: "1F636",
innocent: "1F607",
alien: "1F47D",
yellow_heart: "1F49B",
blue_heart: "1F499",
purple_heart: "1F49C",
heart: "2764",
green_heart: "1F49A",
broken_heart: "1F494",
heartbeat: "1F493",
heartpulse: "1F497",
two_hearts: "1F495",
revolving_hearts: "1F49E",
cupid: "1F498",
sparkling_heart: "1F496",
sparkles: "2728",
star: "2B50", # In "Nature" range
star2: "1F31F",
dizzy: "1F4AB",
boom: "1F4A5",
collision: "1F4A5",
anger: "1F4A2",
# In "Symbols" range
exclamation: "2757",
question: "2753",
grey_exclamation: "2755",
grey_question: "2754",
zzz: "1F4A4",
dash: "1F4A8",
sweat_drops: "1F4A6",
# In "Objects" range
notes: "1F3B6",
musical_note: "1F3B5",
fire: "1F525",
# So much poop
hankey: "1F4A9",
poop: "1F4A9",
shit: "1F4A9",
thumbsup: "1F44D",
thumbsdown: "1F44E",
ok_hand: "1F44C",
punch: "1F44A",
facepunch: "1F44A",
fist: "270A",
v: "270C",
wave: "1F44B",
hand: "270B",
open_hands: "1F450",
point_up: "261D",
point_down: "1F447",
point_left: "1F448",
point_right: "1F449",
raised_hands: "1F64C",
pray: "1F64F",
point_up_2: "1F446",
clap: "1F44F",
muscle: "1F4AA",
walking: "1F6B6",
runner: "1F3C3",
running: "1F3C3",
couple: "1F46B",
family: "1F46A",
two_men_holding_hands: "1F46C",
two_women_holding_hands: "1F46C",
dancer: "1F483",
dancers: "1F46F",
ok_woman: "1F646",
no_good: "1F645",
information_desk_person: "1F481",
raised_hand: "1F64B",
bride_with_veil: "1F470",
person_with_pouting_face: "1F64E",
person_frowning: "1F64D",
bow: "1F647",
couplekiss: "1F48F",
couple_with_heart: "1F491",
massage: "1F486",
haircut: "1F487",
nail_care: "1F485",
boy: "1F466",
girl: "1F467",
woman: "1F469",
man: "1F468",
baby: "1F476",
older_woman: "1F475",
older_man: "1F474",
person_with_blond_hair: "1F471",
man_with_gua_pi_mao: "1F472",
man_with_turban: "1F473",
construction_worker: "1F477",
cop: "1F46E",
angel: "1F47C",
princess: "1F478",
smiley_cat: "1F63A",
smile_cat: "1F638",
heart_eyes_cat: "1F63B",
kissing_cat: "1F63D",
smirk_cat: "1F63C",
scream_cat: "1F640",
crying_cat_face: "1F63F",
joy_cat: "1F639",
pouting_cat: "1F63E",
japanese_ogre: "1F479",
japanese_goblin: "1F47A",
see_no_evil: "1F648",
hear_no_evil: "1F649",
speak_no_evil: "1F649",
guardsman: "1F482",
skull: "1F480",
feet: "1F463",
lips: "1F444",
kiss: "1F48B",
droplet: "1F4A7",
ear: "1F442",
eyes: "1F440",
nose: "1F443",
tongue: "1F445",
love_letter: "1F48C",
bust_in_silhouette: "1F464",
busts_in_silhouette: "1F465",
speech_balloon: "1F4AC",
thought_balloon: "1F4AD"
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