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Add fog_options to configuration to be passed to fog #create · 65ef0d34
We found that uploading large files to S3 would result in a socket error ("connection reset by peer") occasionally and lately much more consistently. In researching this I saw that many people got this error when uploading too large of a file without multipart chunking. I would have assumed fog did this automatically but the default chunk size may be too high. In order to address this I wanted to drop the chunk size to 100MB. Rather than hard-code this I opted to expose a `fog_option` configuration option that lets me pass any additional options I want to the fog's `#create` call. This is similar to the `fog_attributes` option implemented in CarrierWave which [addresses the same problem]( We've been running this now for a week in production and it seems to resolve the issue.
Jeremy Wadsack committed