Commit 4bc50bda by Jon Yurek

Fixed bugs in should_have_attached_file

parent 7c598fbe
......@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ module Paperclip
klass =$/, '').constantize
context "Class #{} with attachment #{name}" do
should "respond to all the right methods" do
["#{name}_file_name", name, "#{name}?"].each do |meth|
assert_responds_to object, meth, "#{} does not respond to #{name}."
[name, "#{name}=", "#{name}?"].each do |meth|
assert klass.instance_methods.include?(meth), "#{} does not respond to #{name}."
should "have the correct definition" do
expected = options
actual = klass.attachment_definition[name]
expected.delete(:validations) unless options.key?(:validations)
expected.delete(:whiny_thumbnails) unless options.key?(:whiny_thumbnails)
actual = klass.attachment_definitions[name]
expected.delete(:validations) if not options.key?(:validations)
expected.delete(:whiny_thumbnails) if not options.key?(:whiny_thumbnails)
assert_equal expected, actual
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