Commit 4c6cf394 by Joe Ferris

Added documentation for rspec matchers

parent 280a85a6
......@@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ NOTE: Post processing will not even *start* if the attachment is not valid
according to the validations. Your callbacks and processors will *only* be
called with valid attachments.
Paperclip provides rspec-compatible matchers for testing attachments. See the
documentation on Paperclip::Shoulda::Matchers for more information.
If you'd like to contribute a feature or bugfix: Thanks! To make sure your
......@@ -2,3 +2,32 @@ require 'paperclip/matchers/have_attached_file_matcher'
require 'paperclip/matchers/validate_attachment_presence_matcher'
require 'paperclip/matchers/validate_attachment_content_type_matcher'
require 'paperclip/matchers/validate_attachment_size_matcher'
module Paperclip
module Shoulda
# Provides rspec-compatible matchers for testing Paperclip attachments.
# In spec_helper.rb, you'll need to require the matchers:
# require "paperclip/matchers"
# And include the module:
# Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
# config.include Paperclip::Shoulda::Matchers
# end
# Example:
# describe User do
# it { should have_attached_file(:avatar) }
# it { should validate_attachment_presence(:avatar) }
# it { should validate_attachment_content_type(:avatar).
# allowing('image/png', 'image/gif').
# rejecting('text/plain', 'text/xml') }
# it { should validate_attachment_size(:avatar).
# less_than(2.megabytes) }
# end
module Matchers
module Paperclip
module Shoulda
module Matchers
# Ensures that the given instance or class has an attachment with the
# given name.
# Example:
# describe User do
# it { should have_attached_file(:avatar) }
# end
def have_attached_file name
module Paperclip
module Shoulda
module Matchers
# Ensures that the given instance or class validates the content type of
# the given attachment as specified.
# Example:
# describe User do
# it { should validate_attachment_content_type(:icon).
# allowing('image/png', 'image/gif').
# rejecting('text/plain', 'text/xml') }
# end
def validate_attachment_content_type name
module Paperclip
module Shoulda
module Matchers
# Ensures that the given instance or class validates the presence of the
# given attachment.
# describe User do
# it { should validate_attachment_presence(:avatar) }
# end
def validate_attachment_presence name
module Paperclip
module Shoulda
module Matchers
# Ensures that the given instance or class validates the size of the
# given attachment as specified.
# Examples:
# it { should validate_attachment_size(:avatar).
# less_than(2.megabytes) }
# it { should validate_attachment_size(:icon).
# greater_than(1024) }
# it { should validate_attachment_size(:icon).
# in(0..100) }
def validate_attachment_size name
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