Commit a7ac3dc9 by Jon Yurek

Updated the NEWS for v3.5.0

parent 1bcd49f4
New in 3.5.0:
* Feature: Handle Base64-encoded data URIs as uploads
* Feature: Add a FilenameCleaner class to allow custom filename sanitation
* Improvement: Satisfied Mocha deprecation warnings
* Bug Fix: Allow empty string to be submitted and ignored, as some forms do this
* Improvement: Make #expiring_url behavior consistent with #url
* Bug Fix: "Validate" attachments without invoking AR's validations
* Improvement: Various refactorings for a cleaner codebase
* Improvement: Be agnostic, use ActiveModel when appropriate
* Improvement: Add validation errors to the base attachment attribute
* Improvement: Handle errors in rake tasks
* Improvement: Largely refactor has_attached_file into a new class
* Improvement: Added Ruby 2.0.0 as a supported platform and removed 1.8.7
* Improvement: Fixed some incompatabilities in the test suite
New in 3.4.2: New in 3.4.2:
* Improvement: Use https for Gemfile urls * Improvement: Use https for Gemfile urls
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