Commit d8701fb5 by Jon Yurek

Updated NEWS for v4.2.0

parent 128db71e
New in 4.2.0:
* Improvement: Converted test suite from test/unit to RSpec
* Improvement: Refactored Paperclip::Attachment#assign
* Improvement: Added Spanish and German locales
* Improvement: Required Validators accept validator subclasses
* Improvement: EXIF orientation checking can be turned off for performance
* Improvement: Documentation updates
* Improvement: Better #human_size method for AttachmentSizeValidators
* Bug Fix: Allow MIME-types with dots in them
* Improvement: Travis CI updates
* Improvement: Validators can take multiple messages
* Improvement: Per-style options for S3 storage
* Improvement: Allow `nil` geometry strings
* Improvement: Use `eager_load!`
New in 4.1.1: New in 4.1.1:
* Improvement: Add default translations for spoof validation * Improvement: Add default translations for spoof validation
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