Commit fc0349d7 by Marcin Urbanski

More readable doc

parent ce9d7eab
......@@ -308,11 +308,9 @@ processors, where a defined `watermark` processor is invoked after the
Paperclip is aware of new attachment styles you have added in previous deploy. The only thing you should do after each deployment is to call:
rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles
It will store current attachment styles in `RAILS_ROOT/public/system/paperclip_attachments.yml` by default. You can change it by:
Paperclip is aware of new attachment styles you have added in previous deploy. The only thing you should do after each deployment is to call
`rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles`. It will store current attachment styles in `RAILS_ROOT/public/system/paperclip_attachments.yml`
by default. You can change it by:
Paperclip.registered_attachments_styles_path = '/tmp/config/paperclip_attachments.yml'
......@@ -328,12 +326,7 @@ Here is an example for Capistrano:
after("deploy:update_code", "deploy:build_missing_paperclip_styles")
Now you don't have to remember to refresh thumbnails in production everytime you add new style.
Unfortunately it does not work with dynamic styles:
has_attached_file :avatar,
:styles => lambda{ |attachment| attachment.instance.other == 'a' ? {:thumb => "50x50#"} : {:large => "400x400"} }
It just ignores them.
Unfortunately it does not work with dynamic styles - it just ignores them.
If you already have working app and don't want `rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles` to refresh old pictures, you need to tell
Paperclip about existing styles. Simply create paperclip_attachments.yml file by hand. For example:
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