Commit 4469ca6f by Thomas Vendetta

Added a table to show new syntax (I never used old gem, so for a minutes I was confused)

parent 763e8aee
......@@ -90,15 +90,11 @@ end
You can replace the older acts_as_paranoid methods as follows:
find_with_deleted(:all) # => with_deleted
find_with_deleted(:first) # => with_deleted.first
find_with_deleted(id) # => with_deleted.find(id)
find_only_deleted(:all) # => only_deleted
find_only_deleted(:first) # => only_deleted.first
find_only_deleted(id) # => only_deleted.find(id)
| Old Syntax | New Syntax |
| -------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
|`find_with_deleted(:all)` | `Client.with_deleted` |
|`find_with_deleted(:first)` | `Client.with_deleted.first` |
|`find_with_deleted(id)` | `Client.with_deleted.find(id)` |
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